Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our Health.

Hi Vixens !

I don't know about you guys, but I've always had a problem with the stereotype that over-weight people are LAZY eat fast food all day and do nothing to try and lose it. ITS NOT TRUE!!!!

I have struggled with my weight since I was a child. I was born into a culture where food is a big deal and the center of many celebrations( like many cultures) . My family did not have much money growing up, therefore we ate a lot of white carb's, fatty meats and quick food. Not all the time, but alot of the time. I also come from a big family ,when I say big I mean BIG. Most of the people in my family are overweight. Both of my parents were overweight. We have the "fat gene" lol Being around all this well I was young. was tough. But I never felt that it was wrong or bad to be fat...cause I was surrounded by big people... And alot of love.

Then I grew up. Began to learn that being a fat woman or teenager was not accepted in society as a good thing. I had people in school call me fat, of course what fat person didn't? I was popular, had wonderful friends and a great family who loved me. I never felt alone and fat. I just knew that people did not accept big people . I didn't really give a shit?

I became a woman. It stopped being about LOOKS and more so about my health. My heart, my blood pressure, diabetes , heart disease etc. I want to lose weight and I need to lose weight to be healthy to live a longer life,be around longer for my son. I am not getting any younger. I am not a lazy pig. I love to exercise I love to swim and I love good nutritious food!! But like every other person in this WORLD, skinny, tall , fat short ... we all have a tough time doing this. There are NO excuses for not maintaining a healthy lifestyle..none. Time is the WORST one Ive heard of in my life. We all say it.. " i have no time" BULLSHIT ! You make time. Yes its ALOT of work juggling a family, children's homework, husbands , 2 jobs etc. But if you want it bad enough and you make it a priority in your life, you will make time. So simple....we just have to DO IT. ( putting my money where my mouth is , as we speak!! lol)

I believe that we all should try our best to maintain healthy lifestyles. Its NOT about physical appearances, it really isn't. Its about your LIFE , your quality of life, the longevity of your life. and for the little people who want us around for awhile. Start slow, find a "chubby buddy" to take classes with, go swimming with, go for walks with ! Make it fun.

Most of all be around people who support you , love you and truly want the best for you. That is the best push that a person can get. Don't surround yourself with selfish, ignorant and negative people.

I will be starting back at swimming on Monday! Anyone want to join me, let me know! Eat lots of greens, a healthy amount of carbs, and lean meats! And have that chocolate bar once in awhile!! It's okay. Don't worry about the number on the scale !! Its about how you FEEL , how your clothes fit, how strong you feel and how EMPOWERED you feel! Do not set your mind on a goal weight in the beginning , just get going ! Don't worry about that till later!

So do it ladies, find a chubby buddy, get healthy don't EVER be embarrassed, DO YOU! Don't let your weight stop you from doing ANYTHING! xoxo


  1. Love the blog,I look forward to following you on it cuz

  2. Thanks so much, I will have some clothes sales, style and trend stuff for women, it will be good ! thanks for following!

  3. You need not to talk about your parents, they were feeding you with what they could afford and making ends meet, that is usually how it works in the islands. We feed our kids and we like them big so that they don't waste away when they are sick... I like the big kids, I call them island size. I weighed 380lbs when I carried my Twins, (one of them was you)... Dang! I blame it totally on you both, I had the perfect body when I had only one child the BULL AJ. Well not totally perfect but bearable. Now I strive to aspire to be healthy and feel all the pains of being over wieght, and I don't appreciate the people that say "more of you to love", I believe I almost put a knife in your step-dads chest when he told me that. I am not lovable because I am FAT, it is because I am me and I am who I am... I like being fit, healthy and looking good but Being overwieght is not something that makes me proud or feel good... why the hell don't that scale move, I can run faster then the skinny girl walking graciously on the treadmill, with her makeup on, I can out climb her and she is 20yrs younger... I can out exercise her and the dang scale won't move, I feel like slapping her every time I see her... Okay is that negative? I like clothes and music and going out dancing with my family and friends. I like going to the park and hiking with the Scrreech and Shrek... guess who that is. I am sick and tire of hearing about their facitis and aches and pains but I do love them and you know what I am really proud of you for who you are and what you are... a determined, strong willed individual and I know for a fact that you will beat that wieght problem and you will get to a place in your life where you will be stronger and people will gravitate to that person in you. Not because you are thinner but because they want to be like you and feel what you are feeling. It's just too bad that they can't see that person before the change but I think that all the world has been tainted by what a real woman should look like and what she should be, nothing but false dressing. Beauty is only skin deep, in the eye of the beholder is truly a reflection of the beholder.. if the beholder sees the strong independent woman then he/she is truly intelligent for seeing the complexity of the human individual persona.

    Love you MOM

  4. LOL Mom I feel the exact same way, EXACT when Im at the gym on the bike for an hour and the skinny bitch next to me is huffing and puffing reading her COSMO going slow....I just wanna kick her off the bike LOL

    People do love me because of who I am. People do want to be around me because of ME. Having a healthy lifestyle is ONLY for myself. Looking better is just a plus.

    You are right, over the past year or so Ive been feeling stronger and stronger, and it keeps pushing me higher. I will beat this weight. It is a struggle big time, but I will do it.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, wait till I get to texas, we can out hike screech and shrek together LOL love you
